What made you decide to run?
There is a woefully ironic dearth of Republicans in the Republican primary. Each candidate is searching for a niche to fill: Conservative, libertarian or even liberal. I am a Republican, party of Lincoln and Reagan. I decided to run because none of these niche candidates are talking about the threat Communist China poses; they aren't talking about the economic deflation and credit contraction which are burying America's small businesses and unemployed; they aren't talking about restructuring the federal government for the 21st Century. I am seeking to unite the party, to save the American Dream and ensure America's best days are ahead of her.
Were there any professors at the school who inspired you?Historical figures?
I am profoundly inspired by the writings of Edmund Burke and Russell Kirk. Their clairvoyance concerning potential (and inevitable) threats to liberty and the individual helped to illuminate the left's agenda of servitude to the state and community. Burke and Kirk's prescription for the protection of these most fundamental of rights – the empowerment of sovereign, virtuous citizens – is inherent and natural to Americans, yet still must be protected.
What makes politics interesting to you?
As a sovereign citizen, I recognize my responsibility to safeguard the American Dream for myself, my children and my fellow Americans. Part of that responsibility is an interest in preserving and promoting the ideals that have made this nation great against the forces that try to unravel them, a practice that some people call "politics."
Do you think you stand a chance of winning the Republican nomination?
My resume, I am deeply honored to say, shares remarkable similarities to the resume of the first Republican president, Abraham Lincoln: a humble mid-west lawyer turned state representative (I was a senator), before being elected to the U.S. House of Representatives. He then threw his hat into the ring as the distant dark-horse to be the Republican nominee for the 1860 presidential election. I would hope that my fellow Republicans judge the candidates based on their record and vision of America, as they so wisely did in 1860. If you agree with my message, if you unite behind me, then I believe I can be elected President of the United States. But I do not subscribe to the theory that somehow if a bunch of people with money decide that you look good on TV, that qualifies you for the highest office in the land and the leader of the free world.
How is it best for young people today to get involved in politics?
Read. Inform yourself not only with current events, but the classics of conservatism – Burke, Madison, Kirk, etc. Arm and maintain that knowledge and certainty of virtue so you may lead America to its best days. These knowledgeable young people will always find an open-armed welcome in political campaigns and internships, as these positions require devotion, energy and a willingness to be paid next to nothing.
If elected President of the United States, what do you intend todo differently than any Republican nominee out there today? What sets youapart?
Unfortunately, this question is easy to answer. The other candidates are ignoring some of the most important issues that we, as a nation, face. If I were privileged enough to be elected to the Presidency of the United States, I would force the banks and financial institutions to recapitalize on their own dime, not the taxpayers'. Additionally, I would institute a "freedom trade" policy that would require trade partners to eliminate currency manipulation and protect intellectual property rights. Currency gimmicks and foreign knock-offs cannot continue to contribute to our unemployment.
Interview by Tommy Zimmer