You’re super exhausted and almost finished studying for an exam that begins at 8 a.m.
When you look over at the clock, you notice it’s 5 a.m.
You debate whether to crash or to fight the urge.
You’re leaning towards sleeping and skipping class when you remember the solution to your problem.
The energy you need can easily be obtained through drinking a cup – or maybe two, three or four cups – of coffee.
If you think that spies are watching your every move because you relate so well to the above scenario, don’t worry.
It’s a common situation. You’re not alone.
According to the report “National Coffee Drinking Trends” from the National Coffee Association, more than half of Americans over age 18 drink coffee on a daily basis.
UDM student Roberto Pacheco is among them.
He admits to drinking five to seven cups of “bean” a week.
“I usually have energy up to five hours after drinking just one cup,” Pacheco said.
On average, Americans drink 3.1 cups, according to the coffee report.
Fellow UDM student Jasmine Graves drinks about two cups per day.
According to the National Coffee Association and Web MD, coffee consumption has both drawbacks and advantages.
Caffeine exaggerates the stress response, which can make coffee addictive to some people while also increasing blood pressure.
On the other hand, caffeine can improve memory, decrease fatigue, speed up reaction times and improve mental capacity and short-term memory.
So what does this mean for students who over consume? Not much.
“All-nighters” are a given in college.
However, it is important to not over-caffeinate and equally important to step outside of your comfort zone to try “fruits and veggie smoothies,” like Graves.
Feel free to indulge and have one cup “on special occasions,” like UDM freshman Michael Barconey.