Every New Year lots of people make New Year’s resolutions.
Many vow to lose weight, get a hold on their finances, return to the dating scene, etc.
Now that the new school year has arrived, UDM’s campus is again fully occupied. There must be some new school year resolutions, right?
With the big turnouts at events such as the Welcome Week Picnic and Celebrate Spirit, UDM students seem enthusiastic about this new school year. Here’s what some students had to say about their own new school year resolutions.
“Last year I managed to pretty much I guess put forth 70 percent effort into much of my studies and still ended up on the Dean’s List,” said UDM senior Tony Harris.
Harris said that now that he is a senior he gets senior privilege, which basically means that he can take graduate classes.
“I’ve found these grad classes have been more or less challenging than anything I’ve faced in the past,” he said.
Harris is taking three graduate classes and three regular classes this semester, so his resolution is to put a lot more effort into his studies.
“Before, I’ve always been one to go out, go to a party or something around that nature, but this time I’m going to have to stay home, more or less choose to study at times that I would be partying and hanging out with my friends,” said Harris.
Avera Smith has a slightly similar resolution.
“I’m a second-year freshman due to being put on academic probation the first year. Hopefully, I can be counted as a sophomore at the end of this semester with my credits,” said Smith. She plans to stay off academic probation.
“I also plan to pass my midterm and try to get on the Theatre Company’s main stage. I really want this year to be different,” she said.
Architect students Rachel Pisano, Nicole Fricke and Alyssa Monroe all plan to not have a school year full of procrastination.
“I guess my new school year resolution would be to actually sit down and do studio work, and keep a clean slate, and work hard instead of getting distracted like I usually do,” said Pisano.
Added Fricke: “My resolution this year is probably not to pull as many all-nighters, get my work done faster, and I’ve always been involved with the Architecture Building, but I want to get more involved campus-wide.”
Monroe pledged greater focus.
“My main resolution is probably when I’m in the school building to actually get my work done,” she said. “I always wait to the last minute even though I’m up here constantly.”