It’s that time of year again when The Varsity News takes its annual look at ten unusual classes being offered at the University of Detroit Mercy.
This list examines some of the interesting, intriguing and just plain cool classes being offered at UDM that you might otherwise not know about.
ETH 3680 – Catholic Health Care Ethics
Instructor: Martin Leever
This course is your traditional health care ethics course with a twist. Moral and controversial problems in the field of health care are examined through the perspective of Catholic writings and theology. This class is sure to spark great discussion and thought as it looks at topics such as abortion, end-of-life care and reproductive technology.
CIS 5710 – Ethical Hacking
Instructor: Rita Barrios
How does one ethically hack a computer system? This course teaches students about the many different types of cyber attacks as well tools and techniques for defending against them and keeping information safe. With such powerful information being taught, an emphasis is also placed on the ethical use of these skills.
RCH 5730 – Making Detroit: History and Mystery
Instructor: Stephen Vogel
For any architecture major who happens to be a history buff, this is the class for you. Students will learn about the growth, decay and current revitalization of the city of Detroit through an architectural lens. Studying a city with as great of an architectural history as Detroit’s, this course sure puts an interesting twist on a traditional course in architecture.
BTM 5000 – Business Turnaround Management
Instructor: TBA (Online)
Not only is this course fascinating, but also practical. Located in a city where the effects of business failure are evident, this course investigates the stages of corporate sickness as well as various turnaround strategies to rejuvenate a company.
CEC 3020 – Career Management Strategies
Instructors: Cedric Brooks and Gene LaPouttre
Speaking of practical courses, this is one that all juniors and seniors should be aware of. While it may only be a single credit course, no value can be placed on the lifelong skills that will be learned in this course. This course teaches students how to best maximize their personal skill set in terms of career planning. Skills such as interviewing, résumé writing and job searching are all covered, which could be a difference-maker for some.
AAS 3100 – Science, Technology and Race
Instructor: Eswara Venugopal
This is another class that is sure to provoke debate and conversation, as it is relevant to issues in today’s society. This course introduces students to the field of science and technology, but with a specific emphasis on how it intersects with race. This course examines scientific race studies both on a national and global level.
CST 4120 – Documentary Film Production
Instructor: Jason Roche
Who doesn’t love a good documentary? This course allows students to write, film, direct and edit their own documentary film projects. One of the coolest things about this class is that it doesn’t require any experience.
AEV 5010 – Introduction to Advanced Electric Vehicles
Instructor: Md Abul Masrur
In a time when global importance is being placed on eco responsibility, this course is teaching students skills that may help solve some of these issues. Students will learn the entire process of building electric vehicles as well as the challenges and benefits of the process.
CJS 4870 – Victimology
Instructor: Robert Homant
This intriguing course examines issues surrounding crimes as they relate to the victims. Students will investigate the psychological phases and intervention with victims as well as crime prevention.
CHM 1150 – Detroit Urban Farming and Phytoremediation Research
Instructor: Katherine Lanigan
Finally, the list wraps up with a course that epitomizes what the list is all about. This class is unusual, interesting, practical and cool rolled into one. This research-based chemistry course focuses on urban farming in Detroit. Students will research and learn about the use of urban spaces in Detroit as farming spaces to promote sustainability within the community. Students will examine new techniques to grow abundant food supplies in areas most wouldn’t consider using.