This weather got me.
No, seriously. Around this time every year, I get the winter blues and I absolutely hate it.
I don’t want to come to school or even get out of bed, but somehow I do.
And I imagine I speak for everyone when I say we’re so ready for summer to get here.
But wait a second, I’m jumping here: Let’s bask in the glory of the New Year.
The New Year brought a lot of new things for me, and the greatest being my 21st birthday.
I turned 21 a couple of weeks ago and I most definitely lived it up.
Despite the ridiculously cold weather, I discovered different parts of Detroit that whole weekend with my girls right by my side.
Saturday night was cold as hell, but nonetheless the turn up was real.
My girls and I had a good time and still managed to get home in one piece.
I can’t say the same for Sunday night, though.
Sunday was my actual birthday, which meant I was officially 21 and you know what that means.
The first chance I get to buy a drink; I’m taking it and I surely did.
Now, I don’t know if it was the weather or my poor choice of clothing for the night, but it seemed even colder on Sunday night.
It didn’t matter, though, because Sunday night was such an amazing and fun experience that I wish I could relive it all over again.
I hopped from three different clubs in downtown Detroit while also hitting up two casinos.
Oh my goodness, MGM casino is a dream. I absolutely loved that place and I can’t wait to go back.
Not to mention, the people I was surrounded by.
The 21-and-over crowd is who I belong with now, and I don’t ever want to go back.
The clubs, the casinos and the strong drinks made my birthday one I’ll never forget.
I was on a birthday high for the next few days. I didn’t even care it was 14 degrees when I went to class on Tuesday.
So, yes, this weather still got me. But I’m ready for it and the New Year.
McKay is VN features editor