Campus staff works hard for students

Throughout my four years at University of Detroit Mercy, I have held a couple different on-campus jobs, and both taught me a lot of things the average student wouldn’t know about the behind-the-scenes operations.

I think that all students should be required to have an on-campus position, even if it’s just for one semester or even half of a semester, just because it teaches you so many things about the university.

For example, I wouldn’t have known the process that the professors and the bookstore go through to get books for classes if not for my on-campus position, and the trouble both parties go through to make sure students are provided with the best materials.

I know it’s easy to complain about things that we as students don’t like about the university, but having an on-campus job has really shown me that the majority of the people here do their absolute best to make good decisions for the university, and students are almost always the main focus.

I have a very high respect for our faculty and staff because I have seen firsthand how hard they work to make sure students are taken care of.

For example, I remember my dad staying late, or sometimes even working overnight, to make sure students had hot water to shower with in the morning, and I know he’s not the only person who has done things like this.

Most people at this university are happy to help us and are willing to go well out of their way to make sure students are happy and have the things they need.

Getting to know people on a personal level through my jobs has also been an important aspect of my view on the university.

Sometimes, as students, we neglect the fact that our administrators and faculty are people, too.  They have lives outside of school just like we do. 

As I have gotten to know so many people on a personal level and seen how hard they work, it makes me want to help more and complain less, and I think other students would feel the same way if they had the experience of an on-campus job.

Of course, nothing is perfect and there a lot of things that could be changed here, but generally, people are working day in and day out to give us the best experience they can.

If it were not for my on-campus jobs, I would probably have a different outlook of the university.

I am very appreciative of the contacts and skills my jobs have provided me with, and they have only enhanced my experience at Detroit Mercy.