“Meyerowitz” terrific


“The Meyerowitz Stories (New & Selected),” released to Netflix in October, details the lives of an estranged family.

They come together for multiple purposes but, ultimately, for a showcase of their father’s artistic work.

Adam Sandler, Ben Stiller, and Elizabeth Marvel star as the three offspring of Dustin Hoffman.

As with any feature directed by Noah Baumbach, it is hard to not get caught up in the whimsical, endearing and heartfelt stories he tells.

As Danny (Sandler) sadly chases after his silly, sprinting, ego-centric father (Hoffman) to the tune of a Chopin Prelude, there is a beautiful mix of comedy and compassion that I have not witness in many films.

But, it is terrific work done by the lesser known names of the film – Elizabeth Marvel as Sandler and Stiller’s sister, along with that of Grace Van Patton as Sandler’s character’s daughter, that stand out – making the movie hit more than just a typical story of father and son(s).

In comparison to his previous work that I’ve seen, it feels like this is Baumbach‘s most complete feature.

With well-rounded, capturing characters and honest, deep performances from both Sandler and Stiller, The Meyerowitz Stories is a delight.

“The Meyerowitz Stories (New & Selected)” as well as other interesting features by director Noah Baumbach (“Frances Ha,” “Greenberg”) are available to stream on Netflix.