By Claire Patterson / VN STAFF WRITER
Filling your schedule with core classes is easy, but you still need to find time in your busy schedule for electives.
Selecting one that is somewhat easy as well as fun can be tricky.
If you are at a loss on what classes to take this upcoming semester, here are some that caught our eyes:
- “Leadership and Teams with Diverse People” helps students learn about behavior in certain organizations like leadership, motivation, decision making, interpersonal communication and more. It will be held Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 12-12:50 p.m. The class will be taught by professor Abiodun Ige.
“I enjoyed learning about different types of leadership styles and concepts,” said junior Mallory Miller. “It’s a great class to take, especially if you are interested in working with people or have ambitions of being a leader.”
- “Interpersonal Communication” is a Monday, Wednesday and Friday class held from 10-10:50 a.m. This class is taught by professor Cynthia Langham. This class will explain theories, research and evidence on topics such as friendship, relationships, love, conflict and more.
- “Modern China and Japan” is an introduction to the history of modern China and Japan with an emphasis on their political and cultural development. This class is taught by professor Thomas Klug and meets Wednesday from 4-6:30 p.m.
- “Infancy and Early Childhood” gathers Monday 4-6:30 p.m. This psychology class will help students study the developmental processes from infancy through the early childhood years. This class offers benefits to all who will be dealing with children, including their own.
- “Electronic Music Production,” taught by professor and composer Jason Roche, explores tools and techniques in the field. Students use Pro-Tools software for editing and recording on multi-tracks. The class meets Tuesdays and Thursdays, 2-3:15 p.m.
- “Psychology of Personality” is a Tuesday/Thursday course taught by professor Cheryl Munday. It focuses on the major theories of personality with an emphasis on the origin, structure and dynamics of personality.
- “Acting Styles” is a Tuesday/Thursday course taught by professor Andrew Papa. It will be held from 2-3:30 p.m. This course helps aid in advanced acting techniques where students can explore movement and speech used in the performance and classical drama.
- “Theatrical Design” will be held every Monday 4-6:30 p.m. It focuses on the purpose and methods of theatrical design. Student designers will explore the philosophical and collaborative nature through design projects in costume, scenery and lighting.
“I liked that the class wasn’t just about theatre. It was about influence in regard to fashion throughout the ages,” said junior Dalton Hahn. “I was able to gain appreciation towards the most brilliant architectural and fashionista minds of all time.”
- “Young Adult Dystopias,” offered Tuesday/Thursday, 9:55-11:10 a.m., explores the genre of dystopian novels, which includes popular releases such as The Hunger Games series and others less known. Professor Heather Hill-Vasquez teaches the course.
- “Detroit Sports History and Journalism” explores such athletic icons as Ty Cobb, Joe Louis and Hank Greenberg, as well as the history of the Tigers, Lions, Red Wings, Pistons, Titans and other teams. Professor and sports author Tom Stanton teaches the course on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11:20 a.m.
- “Art of Biography,” offered on Tuesdays 4-6:30 p.m., will be taught professor Gregory Sumner, who has written biographies of Kurt Vonnegut and Dwight Macdonald.