After being suspended in November due to allegations of numerous violations, Kappa Delta Rho has been terminated on the Detroit Mercy campus by university officials.
Student Life issued a statement late last week announcing the decision.
“We regret that this was the decision as a result of repeated violations of the Student Code of Conduct,” the announcement said, “and we have great empathy for the students that were committed to the organization. We know that Greek Life provides a positive opportunity for growth and bonds of brotherhood and sisterhood that are unique and not necessarily duplicated in other student organizations.”
The violations involved hazing, offensive and improper behavior, disregard for safety of others, complicity, failure to comply with contractual obligations and failure to follow alcohol and drug policies.
Kappa Delta Rho appealed the violations, but the termination was upheld.
No university or chapter members would speak on the record about the charges or the decision.
But one disappointed chapter member, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said photo evidence surfaced harming Kappa Delta Rho’s appeal.
Chapter members will no longer be able to wear the fraternity’s letters on campus.
According to Kappa Delta Rho’s national website, the 113-year-old fraternity aims to develop “educated gentlemen who promote human dignity, positive relationships among men and moral excellence of the highest ideals.”
Over the past year, the Detroit Mercy chapter completed an on-campus pizza fundraiser that raised $1,000 for the family of the late Glenn Doss, a Detroit police officer killed in the line of duty.
In addition, a year ago fraternity members participated in Truckloads of Hope with a local Chevrolet dealership to buy supplies for the Capuchin Soup Kitchen. Further, their traditional, most recent Rent-A-Gent fundraiser raised $850 for the B Positive Foundation.
The termination is permanent and is the most serious sanction that can be waged against a Greek organization.
It leaves Detroit Mercy with five sororities and five fraternities.