On Friday, Feb. 4, I slipped on slick ice while walking up the driveway and broke my toe.
Since it is important for my toe to heal, I have been resting a lot.
That mostly means laying around in bed, unable to help my family around the house or even walk my dog on nicer days. I’ve only really been able work on my homework, including my capstone for my theater major.
This has given me a lot of chances to think about my future.
This is my senior year. I have a little anxiety about what will happen next and it is starting to consume me.
I have already created a roadmap for my future: I plan to move to Los Angeles after I graduate and attend as many auditions as possible while working jobs in service to pay the bills. I hope to take a break from schooling initially, but eventually go to graduate school to get my teaching certificate so that I may teach theater.
These plans seem solid whenever I look over them or ask for another person’s opinion. And though I almost always get positive affirmations on my plans, I can’t help but still feel a sense of worry about my decision-making.
This will be the first time I will not be a student, the first time I will not have my day strategically planned out for me due to a class schedule, and that frightens me.
But that is also part of growing up and moving on with your life.