Detroit Mercy ranks highly for several business programs

University of Detroit Mercy recently received high rankings across multiple programs the university provides.

In 2023, U.S. News & World Report ranked Detroit Mercy’s College of Business Administration #22 in the nation for Management, # 31 for Entrepreneurship, and #50 for Finance.  Earlier this year, U.S. News & World Report ranked the College #23 in Graduate Management.

Dr. Joseph Eisenhauer, Dean of the College of Business Administration, shared more about the school’s ranking,

“The College of Business Administration is proud of consistently being ranked among the top undergraduate and graduate management programs in the nation, as well as being among the top-ranked programs in entrepreneurship, finance and accounting,” Eisenhauer said. “Our hands-on, experiential approach, in which every business student completes community-based service- learning, finance students manage real investments, and entrepreneurship students work with real start-up companies, gives our students an edge in the marketplace, both as interns and early-career employees.”

Emily Colucci, a current student at University of Detroit Mercy shared her reaction about the schools’ ranking.

“I’m totally blown away that our university ranked so high,” Colucci said. “I’m so excited and pleasantly surprised by this incredibly high rating! It’s such an honor for us to be recognized in such a fantastic way. This should continue to motivate students and staff to keep pushing forward and striving for even greater achievements. Let’s celebrate together!”

The U.S. News & World Report’s “Best Graduate School Rankings determines it’s rankings for the Best Graduate Schools by expert opinions and statistical indicators. The data is collected through surveys of programs and professionals in the respective fields. Deans, program directors, and senior faculty assess the academic quality, while professionals who work with graduates provide input on reputation. Schools provide the names of individuals to be surveyed. 

In addition to the annual rankings of the major disciplines, U.S. News & World Report also periodically ranks programs in various fields based on academic experts’ ratings. This year, there were new rankings for master’s programs in health care management, physician assistant/associate studies, rehabilitation counseling and veterinary medicine. There were also rankings for master of public health and public affairs, as well as Ph.D. rankings in biological sciences, chemistry, computer science, earth sciences, mathematics and physics.

Schools are scored and ranked for the Best Graduate Schools through consideration of both inputs and outputs. Inputs include measures of the qualities of students and faculty, such as admissions test scores like LSAT, GMAT, GRE, and MCAT. Outputs measure graduates’ achievements linked to their degrees.

As prospective University of Detroit Mercy students research course offerings and weigh schools’ intangible attributes, they can use the information on the U.S. News & World Report website to compare concrete factors, such as student-faculty ratio and job placement success