Blair Mcwilliams: Grateful for life’s lessons


My first two years at Detroit Mercy have been nothing like I could’ve imagined.

I started my college career at Wayne County Community College.

Wayne taught me a lot of valuable lessons that I appreciate.

There were many schools to choose from, but Detroit Mercy really caught my attention.

The university offered me a lot of scholarship money compared to the other schools. Plus, some of the nicest people I know attend the school.

The university has been a great place for me to step out of my comfort zone and to meet new friends.

Another reason I decided to attend here was because of the communication studies program. One day I hope to pursue a career in sports broadcasting and journalism.

The university offers me a variety of options to pursue in my communications field.

I have visited the campus plenty of times.

Sometimes I go with friends to the library to study because it is so peaceful, and it’s a nice place to focus on assignments.

I would have liked to have attended the university my sophomore year in person instead of everything being online.

My first year at a four-year college had a lot of challenges that I didn’t think I was ready to face.

It marked my first time doing online classes for a whole year.

It was challenging to mentally prepare myself everyday to attend class everyday online.

At times, I found myself stressed and overwhelmed, but I did not quit.

My first year online, I was able to exceed my expectations.

This is my second year doing online classes at Detroit Mercy.

The first year taught me how to pace myself and to find a balance in between to do all my assignments for class.

This year has been a lot different.

This semester, I have five classes as opposed to four. I also relocated to another state with my family.

I wish I would’ve been able to get the campus life experience.

This year has been an uphill journey for me overall, but I am grateful for all the experience and life lessons that I have learned along the way.