Will Smith’s infamous slap across Chris Rock’s face at this year’s Os- cars ceremony has been an eye-widening topic.
So, what really happened at history’s most memorable Oscars ceremony, anyway?
Rock, a longtime comedian, unsurprisingly took a jab at one of the audience members; this time, it was Jada Pinkett Smith. He made a joke about her bald head, saying he couldn’t wait for her to star in “G.I. Jane 2.” Pinkett Smith suffers from alopecia, a disease that results in hair loss.
Smith, her husband, was shown laughing at the joke immediately after Rock told it. Pinkett Smith,
however, looked insulted. The camera cut, and next thing we know, Smith is on stage slapping Rock.
Following the physical event, Smith drops the F-bomb and warns Rock to keep his wife’s name out of his mouth.
Many people are asking if it was staged.
Although Smith’s reputation has plunged, viewership of the Oscars telecast skyrocketed about 58 percent, according to media reports.
The skepticism about the incident is valid. In the world we live in, it often seems like almost everything is staged, from “shocking” TikTok videos to celebrity relationships.
The buzzworthy moment boosted ABC’s viewings in the final hour.
It was then that Smith gave his
acceptance speech for winning Best Actor for his role in the film “King Richard.”
Shortly after the incident, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences’ Board of Governors banned Smith from attending the Oscars for 10 years.
Smith supposedly respects this decision, according to an Instagram post. He’s since apologized for the incident via social media. “Violence in all of its forms is poisonous and destructive,” Smith wrote. “My behavior at last night’s Academy Awards was unaccept- able and inexcusable. Jokes at my expense are a part of the job, but a joke about Jada’s medical condition was too much for me to bear and I reacted emotionally.”