School of Architecture study abroad opportunities cause excitement

The University of Detroit Mercy's School of Architecture and Community Development is preparing for an exciting study abroad opportunity, providing a chance for selected students to see architecture across the world. 

One of the destinations in this program is the town of Volterra, Italy. Fifteen students will be selected for this trip, scheduled for the upcoming summer semester. To qualify for participation, each student must undergo an application process, including obtaining a letter of recommendation, submitting their portfolio, and writing a paper about why they are interested in the chance to study abroad. 

Upon approval for this remarkable journey, these students will partake in classes that encompass a total of 18 credit hours of work in Volterra. The students will be in Italy from May 4 to July 29, and they will also be given the opportunity to travel individually for two weeks. 

Hannah Fremont, a junior at Detroit Mercy headed on the trip, said "It is something that I've always wanted to do. I've always wanted to travel and explore Europe, so I am looking forward to it. It'll be a new experience, and I think that the course load is interesting, so I think the whole experience will be extremely interesting and unique."

Additionally, another chance to study abroad will be open in the winter semester in Warsaw, Poland. Students will study in the city of Warsaw, spanning from Feb. 19 to May 24. Just like their peers in Italy, these students will also take classes amounting to 18 credit hours. 

As the departure dates draw nearer, architecture students at the University of Detroit Mercy are ready for an exciting trip, and to explore the world of architecture and culture.