Author: Miles Blazejewski


OPINION: Michigan football got off easy

As the College Football Playoff is upon us, we have seen one of the best seasons in recent history. There are a number of extremely talented teams and amazing stories. But no story from this season will top that of the one surrounding the University of Michigan and the sign-stealing […]


OPINION: Michigan football got off easy

As the College Football Playoff is upon us, we have seen one of the best seasons in recent history. There are a number of extremely talented teams and amazing stories. But no story from this season will top that of the one surrounding the University of Michigan and the sign-stealing […]


OPINION: Toronto is a great place to visit

Over the summer, I was able to travel to many different cities, including but not limited to Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin; Alton, Virginia; Raleigh, North Carolina; Tampa Bay and St. Petersburg, Florida; and Toronto, Canada. The most significant trip for me however was my trip to Toronto. I have many family […]


School of Architecture study abroad opportunities cause excitement

The University of Detroit Mercy's School of Architecture and Community Development is preparing for an exciting study abroad opportunity, providing a chance for selected students to see architecture across the world.  One of the destinations in this program is the town of Volterra, Italy. Fifteen students will be selected for […]