Black mafia family, most known as “BMF,” is a TV series that was created back in 2021 by Randy Huggins and sponsored by the famous artist, rapper and actor 50 Cent. This series is inspired from a true story, which makes it more interesting and intriguing to watch.
“BMF” is a show that tells the story of two brothers Demetrius “Big Meech” Flenory and Terry “Southwest T” Flenory, born and raised in the streets of southwest Detroit in the late 1980s. Throughout the series, we are reliving the life of these two intelligent, ambitious and hardworking brothers, who grew up in a modest family with a dream of one day becoming wealthy and successful with a purpose of changing not only their own lives, narratives and destinies but also their family’s. Their loved ones are victims of living in a disadvantaged environment, facing and battling the challenges and bad influence that comes with it.
Growing up, Big Meech and Southwest T started creating their legacy by trying to take the right route following their parents’ advice, who were themselves hard workers working multiple jobs, by focusing on school and trying to make it happen that way. As they got older and entered their late teens years, they started to realize that it would take way too long to get the type of wealth that they were looking for and started to doubt and fear the fact that it would happen that way. They felt they would be forced to end up like their parents working all their life without being given a true opportunity in life to work a high responsibility job due to racial issues that was ongoing during their time in America.
Unfortunately, both brothers ended up taking the illegal way by creating a gang, recruiting a bunch of childhood friends and starting to deal drugs and going to war with enemies from different cities and neighbourhoods. Quickly their drives and intelligence make them the biggest drug dealers of the United States. At their peak, their net worth was being estimated around $100 million.
Today, the show is still ongoing therefore we are not yet aware of how the end is going to be. But so far what I like about “BMF” is the storyline. I like how the show is showing the realness of the stuff that comes with growing up in poverty and how sometimes you just become a product of your environment. You might have the intentions to be different and take the right route at first, but circumstances, injustice and racism might make you feel forced to take different routes. I can talk about it because growing up in the projects myself, I used to think about ways to become successful but felt trapped by the environment I lived in at times. I am proud of myself for never falling into the illegal world and believing and keeping faith in God because when I look at my life now, I can proudly say that the illegal path is not worth it because at some point you are going to get granted an opportunity. You just have to be patient.
I would recommend everyone to watch the show because it teaches and shows you a lot about life, its lessons and challenges.