“Quiet on Set” is a new docuseries on HBO Max that uncovers a toxic culture behind the camera of 90s and early 2000s children’s television. The life of child actors, stardom and the studio’s clandestine practices are this series’ central themes. The first episode was released on March 17 and […]
Author: Mason Modzelewski
English Department engaging UDM campus discussion
The English Department at the University of Detroit Mercy is offering ever-expanding opportunities for students to engage with their love of reading, writing and literary expression. Many of these opportunities and events are open to all Detroit Mercy students, faculty, staff and alumni. A recent addition to the events […]
Men’s high jumper reaching new heights
Student athlete Cody Bartlett won the men’s high jump event in Akron, Ohio, during the University of Detroit Mercy’s track and field competition on Feb 2. This achievement is a result of Cody’s dedication and passion for jumping, which began in the 7th grade when he joined the track and […]
UDM’s ‘Photograph 51’ blends theatre with STEM
The University of Detroit Mercy Theatre company will be opening the second mainstage production of its 53rd Season with Photograph 51 by Anna Ziegler. The story is about the life of unsung hero Rosalind Franklin, a prominent British crystallographer, and her contributions to the development and discovery of DNA. Opening […]