Are you a student looking for a hip indie store to shop for a variety of awesome reads? Or maybe you are someone who is just looking for a spot in your local Detroit neighborhood to relax and indulge in some contemporary fiction. Livernois recently added a bookstore called Pages […]
Theatre company launches season Sept. 26 with ‘Enemies’
The UDM Theatre Company has announced three diverse plays for its 44th season: “The Best of Enemies,” “It’s A Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play” and “Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day.” “These events at the theatre allow our patrons, alumni and community to network,” said […]
My experience in America
Like many Chinese students, I finally decided to come to the U.S. to continue my higher education when I was an 18-year-old high school graduate. Before I decided to come this “sounds familiar and looks unfamiliar” country, I had a ton of choices for studying abroad. There were English-speaking countries, […]
Joey Oster: ‘Boyhood’ may be best film of 2000s
A major expectation of movies, in general, is to thrill us or overcome us with emotion. As moviegoers, we crave films that take us away from our everyday lives through fantasy, humor or drama. In the words of the legendary Alfred Hitchcock, movies are what life is with “the dull […]
Traveling to Italy: Two student trips to Italy will be focus of Sept. 18 meeting
UDM offers study-abroad programs that range in terms of classes offered, time and cost. The best part? You get to see a different part of the world. UDM offers several programs that place students in all corners of the globe. One such example is Italy. There will be a general […]
From The VN Archives: Titan of the tower
Have you ever grudgingly been around campus early in the morning for class and heard screeching noises coming from the bell tower? If so, you are hearing the pair of peregrine falcons who make their home inside the bell tower. Peregrine falcons are among the world's most common […]
From The VN Archives: Stars like Joni Mitchell, Linda Ronstadt polished their talents at Chessmate coffeehouse blocks from campus
In chess, the depth of calculation rests on the ability of the player. For Morrie Widenbaum, calculations often led to success.Before his death in 1973, Widenbaum had been crowned Michigan chess champion (1963) and become owner of the Chessmate coffeehouse, once located near the university campus. While the former title […]