Author: Tommy Zimmer

Alum profiles

George Noory: Out of this world

On any given night, university alum George Noory – host of the nation’s most popular overnight radio show – may touch on time travel, aliens, UFOs, vampires, 9-11 conspiracies and near-death experiences. "A belief in a higher power and whether you tap into it is present in everything […]

Dick Vitale Archive

November 2011: Gearing up for Dickie V

With less than three weeks to the Dec. 5 nationally televised Dick Vitale Court dedication against St. John's, UDM is gearing up for one of the most important on-campus events in quite some time. "From an athletic standpoint, it will be the biggest event on campus probably in close to […]

Faculty profiles

Melinda Pacha: Creator of the costumes

It's safe to say Melinda Pacha has hundreds upon hundreds of shoes.  The Iowa-born UDM professor also has an entire cabinet devoted to eyeglasses, a wooden armoire that houses just jewelry and multiple racks of clothing. While most people with access to items such as these would have […]


From The VN Archives: Titan of the tower

Have you ever grudgingly been around campus early in the morning for class and heard screeching noises coming from the bell tower? If so, you are hearing the pair of peregrine falcons who make their home inside the bell tower.  Peregrine falcons are among the world's most common […]

Alum profiles

Emil Brolick: A cut above

When Emil Brolick enrolled at the University of Detroit in the late 1960s, he thought he wanted to go into law. A few early economics courses changed his mind, and by the time he graduated from Detroit with a master’s in economics in 1972, he knew he wanted to apply […]

Classic Sports Features

Lindsey Lammers: Lindsey the leader

Lindsey Lammers can be hard on herself. She often tells her coach, "I’m terrible, coach, I’m terrible," according to women’s golf coach Terri Ryan. As is the case with many great athletes, Lammers, a sophomore, holds herself to a higher standard than any coach, teammate, parent, sibling or […]

Alum profiles

Thaddeus McCotter: The VN interview

What made you decide to run? There is a woefully ironic dearth of Republicans in the Republican primary. Each candidate is searching for a niche to fill: Conservative, libertarian or even liberal. I am a Republican, party of Lincoln and Reagan. I decided to run because none of these niche […]